The Write Group's P. R. Robson is a 36 year old writer from Brisbane, Australia who's life goal is to become a published author. Although the English language is a fickle thing to work with, "I love words", she says. And don't we all! Connecting to The Write Group through a friend, she is a Maths and English teacher by day and wordsmith by night, (or whenever inspiration strikes!) P. R. will be starting to write her first young adult novel over the school holidays. "I'm excited at the prospect of creating a world of characters for teenagers to connect with, and learn from", she says. Read more about P. R. Robson below!
Siobhan: What do you write?
P. R: Poetry, short stories, philosophical quotes, an online e-zine titled 'ih-klek-tik', and (soon-to-be) my first novel.
Siobhan: Who is your inspiration or motivation?
Siobhan: Dream job?
P.R: Lego display builder.
Siobhan: Spell check or dictionary?
P.R: Dictionary.
Siobhan: What's your super power?
My response is always, "Yes, I'm full of those!" I can make a seemingly difficult task become simple.
Your thoughts on...
Siobhan: Upside down smile or frown?
Siobhan: If clouds could talk, what would they say?
Siobhan: Favourite 5 words and why?
2) Onomatopaeia - I love the sound of this word. It has a rhythm to it that is unlike any other word that I know.
3) Drivel - A polite way of telling somebody that they are speaking nonsense. It reminds me of the stiff-upper-lip-ness of British society.
4) Cantankerous - I know many people who are like this, and prefer to steer clear! However, there are times when I cunningly set a cantankerous person off and stand back to watch the fireworks.
5) Quandary - Another word that has a great sound to it. I'm often helping others who find themselves in a quandary. (This is where my super power comes in!)
Siobhan: Where can we see your work?
http://prr-losophy.blogspot. (working in partnership with Lainie Thornton)
We wish the very best of luck to P. R. Robson for her word quest over the holidays and will be expecting an update when she reaches her goal to be published!
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