Monday, 5 December 2011

The Writers: Jenny Williams

The Write Groups' Jenny Williams, exclusively sharing her age as 27, is a traveler at heart and actually at current too. Originally from the easy coast of Australia and presently living in Kinsale, Ireland, Jenny plans to head to London in 2012, she says “I can't seem to settle down!”. However we can't see that as a bad thing, here at The Write Group, for the experience and stories to learn while travelling can certainly be endless!

Siobhan: How did you find the Write Group?
Jenny: There was a post about it on the National Young Writers Month forum. I did the whole NYWM thing, and then realised that *technically* I was too old to take part. But I achieved my goal anyway! So there!

Siobhan: What do you write?
Jenny: I started writing plays originally, but recently I've been writing short stories, and have begun scribbling away at a novel... its only in the planning stages, so I can't accurately describe it to you yet, but its about women, the mother-daughter relationship, the changing nature of memory, and travel. Lots of travel. Speaking of which, the thing that I write most consistently is my travel blog, and its here:

Siobhan: Who is your inspiration or motivation?
Jenny: Hmmm... tricky. It changes all the time! At the moment, I'm probably most interested in a Welsh performer/writer/director named Shon Dale-Jones who started a theatre company called Hoipolloi. He created a character called Hugh Hughes and the theatre he makes for this character is basically extended, fantastical, slightly surreal and absurd storytelling. I think a lot of my work these days owes a debt to him. He's in Australia at the moment, so if you get a chance to see his production, you should do so. Expect it to be completely different from anything you've seen before.

Siobhan: Dream job?
Jenny: To be artistic director of my own theatre company.

Siobhan: Spell check or dictionary?
Jenny: Spell check, definitely! I'm travelling, I can't lug the Oxford English Dictionary around with me!

Your thoughts on...

Siobhan: Upside down smile or frown?
Jenny: Its a frown. No point in sugar-coating the negative. It just makes me think of life coaches and Anthony Robbins. Blergh.

Siobhan: If clouds could talk, what would they say?
Jenny: 'Hey, Hey, Merv! Do you see that human down there? Doesn't his hair look exactly like an Altostratus?'
'Yeah, you're right! And that group of people over there totally like a Cirrocumulus formation!'
'Man, people gazing is the bomb.'

Siobhan: What are your five favourite words?
Jenny: 1. Solipsist - the first really obscure word I learnt the meaning of. Plus, its pretty fun to say.

2. Tempestuous - an ex once called me this in a fond way, and I've had a love for the word ever since.

3. Almost - I pronounce it wrong. I don't know why, but I say 'omost'. A friend at high school told me she thought it was hilarious because it made her think of laundry detergent. Now I think of it as my own special word.

4. Languorous - It sounds like it should. I would like to be languorous, but I'm always too anxious and busy to be in a 'dreamy, lazy mood', so I have to just make do with saying the word really slowly. Laaaannnnngggguuuuooooorrrrrooouuusssss...

Koselig - Ok, its cheating a bit, but I love this word. Its actually Norwegian (pronounced 'ko-shlee') and it translates literally to 'cosy', but in Norway, its not just a word, its a way of life! There is nothing more important than making your home and life koselig, which is kind of a combination of cosy, comforting, warm, calm, contented, peaceful, happy, loving and many other things all rolled into one. Its like drinking hot chocolate and eating warm cookies you baked with your mum and your best friend on a cold winter's night except in a word, man.

Siobhan: Where can we contact you?
Jenny: As I said before, my blog is above, sometimes I have plays on, but none in Australia at the moment. You can follow me on Twitter at jen_h_williams

Siobhan: Anything to add?
Jenny: I'm really interested in sharing work if anyone wants feedback on anything they're currently writing - just PM me through Facebook and I'll let you know my email address.

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