Our writers are stupendous individuals from all different parts of world. As a celebration to writing as an art and the artist that join us here at The Write Group, we will be interviewing and profiling all our word-artists to pick their brains about the workings of the world and more specifically, writing as a whole. Please welcome our first cab off the rank, Katy!
Katy is a 26 year old writer from The beautiful Apple Isle, also known as Tasmania who says although she doesn't have a nick name, is open to received "uber cool pseudonym suggestions". She discovered The Write Group through a fellow writer for lipmag that introduced her to the group. As the first to be involved in our member profiles, you can already tell of the enthusiasm Katy brings to the field of writing. We were lucky enough to pick at her brain for a few moments, and this is what we found...
Siobhan: What do you write?
Katy: I have a considerable obsession with all things fantasy fiction, so naturally I am trying to emulate my favourites and create an epic fantasy novel of my own. I also like to write travel stories about my occasional global wanderings, articles on just about anything that sparks my interest at any given time, and on my blog I am prone to hurling up any combination of words that tend to escape my little brain on a regular basis, whether it be poetry, flash fiction or your average rambling or two.
Siobhan: Who is your inspiration or motivation?
Siobhan: Who is your inspiration or motivation?
Katy: My favourite author is one I only discovered recently, but I find her writing truly inspiring. Robin Hobb, author of the acclaimed Farseer Trilogy, writes fiction that is so wonderfully colourful, intelligent and imaginative, and yet economical in its use of language. She is brilliant at executing the ‘show don’t tell’ rule, and has the Midas touch with creating rich and multi-layered characters that readers cannot help but love. Her writing inspires me to strive for quality in my own writing, and depth in my characters and the stories they tell.
As for motivation, my mum has always been the one to encourage me with this little dream of mine. Her confidence in me is unwavering, and as any aspiring writers will know, the self-doubt can be crippling at times, so to have someone who is always cheering me on is invaluable to my writing process.
Siobhan: What is your dream job?
As for motivation, my mum has always been the one to encourage me with this little dream of mine. Her confidence in me is unwavering, and as any aspiring writers will know, the self-doubt can be crippling at times, so to have someone who is always cheering me on is invaluable to my writing process.
Siobhan: What is your dream job?
Katy: Author. Failing that, a puppy minder.
Siobhan: Spell check or dictionary?
Siobhan: Spell check or dictionary?
Katy: Dictionary. I am a strong advocate for proper spelling and grammar. If the computer is always going to correct your mistakes for you, how will you ever learn?
Siobhan : What's your super power?
Siobhan : What's your super power?
Katy: I hula hoop like a rock star.
Your thoughts on...
Your thoughts on...
Siobhan: Upside down smile or frown?
Katy: How about if I smile while standing on my head? Upside down smile?
Siobhan: If clouds could talk, what would they say?
Siobhan: If clouds could talk, what would they say?
Katy: Clouds are tremendous complainers. They mostly speak in short grumbles, with lots of “woe is me”, “oh dear” and “fml”. They get cranky because birds poo on them and dragons use them as day beds for sunbaking, which is quite pleasant for the dragons, but less so for the clouds. So they have a bit of a cry, resulting in us mere mortals being rained on, and shout thunderous obscenities to the world as they lash lightening to the earth. They are no better than tantrum chucking toddlers.
Siobhan: Favourite 5 words and why?
1) Magnanimous – It makes me think of minions talking to their master. And I do like minions.
2) Bookkeeper – Because it has three double letters in a row.
3) Skullduggery – Because who doesn’t like to sound like a pirate every now and then? Arrrrrrgh matey!
4) Gypsy – It has no vowels. Trippy!
5) Wednesday - Because every time I write it I have to sound it out as wed. nes. day.
2) Bookkeeper – Because it has three double letters in a row.
3) Skullduggery – Because who doesn’t like to sound like a pirate every now and then? Arrrrrrgh matey!
4) Gypsy – It has no vowels. Trippy!
5) Wednesday - Because every time I write it I have to sound it out as wed. nes. day.
Siobhan: Where can we see your work?
Katy: You can find me at my blog Storytelling Nomad: http://storytellingnomad.wordpress.com/, which has links to my published writings and ramblings. Or, follow me on Twitter for the latest updates @katyhulme
Siobhan: Anything to add?
Katy: Before I go, I’d like to share with you some words that Robin Hobb sent to me in an email earlier this year. I had not long before attended Supanova Pop Culture Expo and was standing in the Isobelle Carmody autograph line when I saw the huge line of Robin Hobb fans snaking out of sight.
I have found that fantasy fiction readers are a special breed of book lovers; they are so very dedicated to the authors they read and especially adept at discovering brilliant writing. When found in droves, such as they were that day, it is safe to say they will lead you en masse to what’s worth checking out in the writerly world. And so it was that I purchased my first Robin Hobb book.
A couple of months later I found myself emailing Robin Hobb to praise her writing and thank her for providing me with the inspiration to start work on my own fantasy story. To my surprise (which involved many squeals of delight), she replied with the following:
Dear Katy,
What a wonderful letter to receive! Thank you so much. (And now you can see why I sit next to Isobelle . . . it’s to steal her readers! Well, no, not really, but it sounded good.)
Good luck with your fantasy novel. I will tell you the only trick I know. Persevere. Push those keys down every day. The only way that anyone writes anything is one key stroke at a time. So when it is dark outside and you are alone with your little lamplight shining out the window, think of all the writers all over the world who are doing the same thing, and keep at it.
Best of luck!
Katy: I think her advice is sound for any aspiring writers out there; just keep writing.
Siobhan: Anything to add?
Katy: Before I go, I’d like to share with you some words that Robin Hobb sent to me in an email earlier this year. I had not long before attended Supanova Pop Culture Expo and was standing in the Isobelle Carmody autograph line when I saw the huge line of Robin Hobb fans snaking out of sight.
I have found that fantasy fiction readers are a special breed of book lovers; they are so very dedicated to the authors they read and especially adept at discovering brilliant writing. When found in droves, such as they were that day, it is safe to say they will lead you en masse to what’s worth checking out in the writerly world. And so it was that I purchased my first Robin Hobb book.
A couple of months later I found myself emailing Robin Hobb to praise her writing and thank her for providing me with the inspiration to start work on my own fantasy story. To my surprise (which involved many squeals of delight), she replied with the following:
Dear Katy,
What a wonderful letter to receive! Thank you so much. (And now you can see why I sit next to Isobelle . . . it’s to steal her readers! Well, no, not really, but it sounded good.)
Good luck with your fantasy novel. I will tell you the only trick I know. Persevere. Push those keys down every day. The only way that anyone writes anything is one key stroke at a time. So when it is dark outside and you are alone with your little lamplight shining out the window, think of all the writers all over the world who are doing the same thing, and keep at it.
Best of luck!
Katy: I think her advice is sound for any aspiring writers out there; just keep writing.
Thanks to Katy for your time and words and we look forward to all you will achieve!
Are you our next member profile? Don't be shy! Send us an email to thewritegroup11@gmail.com